by John | Oct 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
Halibut is one of my favourite fish to catch and eat. Sometimes they can test your patience especially the big ones but, it is well worth the wait. Halibut off the west coast of Tofino, BC generally range from 10lbs to 150lbs but can reach 500-700lbs and 9ft in length. Wow! The halibut sense for smell and sense for vibration helps to find any fish small enough to swallow. Second to none is there initial Attack…….. FISH ON!! The Shimano Trevala rod bends down close to the water and the line peels out from the Avet real as you feel the halibut shaking his head up and down. It’s a battle taking all your energy to slowly wind it off the bottom. You’re gaining….. then it runs back to the bottom. You don’t know if you’re going to make it….. when the halibut finally breaks the surface and before you know it …. everyone lets out a roar. Fish in the boat! At Tonquin Fishing Charters we’ve been guiding clients for more than 10 years and knock on wood we’ve rarely come back empty handed from a Halibut trip. Our experienced guide (John) knows some good spots because he spends a lot of spare time testing new grounds. So come and join us on our comfortable boat fishing trip in Tofino that fits all your needs and get your own GoPro movie like this one. Contact us to make reservations for your next Halibut fishing trip in Tofino now!...